NAD D 7050 Awarded 2014 Product of the Year

NAD Electronics is proud to be the winner of the 2014 SoundStage Product of the Year – Exceptional Value Award for the D 7050 Direct Digital Network Amplifier. Back in a October 2014 review fromSoundStage editor Colin Smith, the NAD D 7050 received serious critical acclaim for its terrific sound quality and convenient wireless streaming options, which led the amplifier to earn Reviewer’s Choice honours and set the stage for this coveted year-end award. “NAD has always stood for high-value audio components,” said editor Jeffrey Writz in his award verdict for the 2014 Product of the Year Award. “They still do, but now their products are also infused with high technology. Wi-Fi, Direct Digital, hi-res capable–and great sound.”

Smith also added in the October 2014 review to say, “the D 7050 immediately exhibited the kind of qualities that have endeared audiophiles to its Direct Digital brethren: an ultraquiet background, tight control of the music, and a neutral tonality that let the music do the talking.” “To my ears, NAD is producing some of the finest amplifiers available at any price.”

Read more on the 2014 SoundStage Products of the Year here.

Read the full October 2014 review here.