HP50 Headphone is a Sound and Vision Top Pick

In the June edition of Sound and Vision, sound expert Steve Guttenberg (with a little help from editor Brent Butterworth’s Test Bench) awards the NAD VISO HP50 Over-Ear Headphones with the coveted Sound and Vision Top Pick award in a spectacular comprehensive review of NAD’s first-ever headphone design. Guttenberg said: “the NAD VISO HP50 sounds…

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Outstanding D 3020 Amp Review in Hi-Fi World

It’s true what you’ve heard online and in the magazines: the NAD D 3020 Hybrid Digital Amplifier is today’s most talked about Class-D amplifier design. Now Hi-Fi World, one of the most popular British audio magazines, back up the claim with an outstanding review and rate the new-age smusic streaming amplifier among the best in…

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