Wireless Digital Music System

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Made for iPod, iPhone, iPadBluetooth

The NAD VISO 1 BT is for those who want nothing more than to experience heart pounding, soul-stirring sound and the freedom of instant point-to-point wireless connection. Bluetooth® aptX® wireless high-fidelity reception allows the VISO 1 BT to seamlessly integrate with any Bluetooth Enabled device. Bluetooth aptX also offers true hi-fi performance, ease-of-use, and incredible sound quality. Wielding the power of DirectDigital allows the VISO 1 BT’s speakers to be optimized for a stellar sonic performance. Housing three full-range dual-magnetic drivers from NAD’s sister company, PSB Speakers, the VISO BT 1 produces a more controlled soundstage that is both invigorating and detailed.

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